Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Elizabeth loves standing up and bouncing. She is 9 months old now, and is increasingly growing up into a lovely young girl. She has changed so much over the last few months. She is not quite crawling, but really wants to. Her favourite thing is to be standing up while leaning on something else, preferably while people are looking at her. She loves talking - noone understands her yet, but she gurgles away to her hearts content. She thinks swimming and baths are great, especially the splashing, but doesn't like her face getting wet. She's not sleeping through the night any more, but during the day she is so delightful we don't really mind. She is eating lots of foods - weet-bix with Dad, farex (?), veges, pasta, bread and anything else Mum gives her. She's the best little princess that could possibly be hoped for!

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