
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

On Saturday our lives were changed again forever with the birth of our second child.

Ruth was officially due on Friday, and her waters broke around 1:30 am on Saturday. In the late morning we phoned the hospital, who insisted that we come in. We got there around 12:30, when they said they wanted to induce Ruth, which they began at 3:30. The next few hours were fairly slow as nothing happened. Around 7:30 labour proper began, and at 9:56pm out came a beautiful little baby.

We were blessed with a second daughter, weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces, or 3.82kg. She was 51 cm long with a 35.5cm head circumference. She came 9 days earlier than Elizabeth, but was only half a pound lighter, 0.5cm smaller head and 1cm longer.

It was fairly late by the time we got Ruth to her bed for the night. I went home for the night (with Esther, who again had been our wonderful extra mid-wife) and Ruth and Charlotte stayed in hospital.

The next morning I came back in and we decided to name her Charlotte Ruth Parker. She reminds me a lot of Elizabeth now, and I think she is going to be very beautiful.

We came home from hospital around lunch time and things are going quite well so far, although a bit more sleep would be nice.

Again God has blessed us with a beautiful, precious daughter whom we adore. We are so grateful for this little child. We would appreciate prayers for Charlotte for her protection and health and for wisdom, strength and patience for the rest of us.

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