
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Charlotte's here having a great time in her cot with her big sister Ellie. I am so pleased that the two girls adorte each other so much, and genuinely enjoy being together.

Charlotte is now nearly 11 months old, and has been close to walking for a few weeks now. She loves walking around holding on to things, and occasionally will bend over and pick things up or let go for a while. This is a great stage of life for her, as she is exploring everything she can and thinks it is great how much cool stuff there is out there.

Each ngiht while I read Elizabeth off sto sleep, Charlotte will crawl down to E's room and come in and join us. Sometimes she will ignore us and wander around the room playing with whatever she can. Other times she will come on bed and sit on my lap, but normally if she gets on the bed she just climbs around causing whatever havoc she can. Her new trick on nice soft beds is to sit up straight, then throw herself backwards onto the mattress and start giggling.

Charlotte is starting to talk a bit now. Nothing too fancy - Daddy, Mummy, hello, ta. The words aren't that clear, but she knows what she means when she says them!

I'm increasingly convinced that God has blessed us with two absolutely wonderful children.

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