Sunday, November 09, 2008

She is a very strong girl –in many ways. She learnt to walk while we were in New Zealand at 11 months, with her first steps actually on the snow at Mount Hutt. She has a great sense of balance, and loves climbing over couches, into her high chair by herself and into anything else that she can get to.
She particularly loves little babies, and will kiss them and cuddle them any chance she can get. She adores Elizabeth, and will do anything to play with her. One of their favourite games is to play jump jump sit on a bed, which they made up. She has been learning to talk a lot better over the last few months, and expresses herself quite well most of the time, even if we are a bit slow sometimes. She loves reading her books, drawing pictures, playing with dolls and helping Ruth with whatever she is doing. She is also remarkably handy with a spanner or screwdriver. She holds them properly and applies them at the right angles to nuts and screws – quite the little handy-man really.
I’m really pleased she loves hanging out with me, and if I say I’m going anywhere she just calls out good-bye to everyone else and starts coming downstairs. She loves making breakfast with me and helps me put the weet-bix in our bowls and the teabag in the teapot. What more could you want in a little daughter? I love her sooo much, and thank God for her every day.
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