Sunday, November 09, 2008

She was born yesterday morning, 8/11/8, at the Mater hospital at 6:58am, after a mercifully short labour, 10-15 minutes after getting to the hospital. Rebekah and Ruth are both well, and came home mid-afternoon.
Elizabeth (4.5) and Charlotte (nearly two) are both delighted with their new sister, and will kiss her as often as they are allowed.
Rebekah is a fairly big baby: 9lb 11 oz/4.41kg, with a 36.5cm head and 54.5cm long.
We are all amazed at how lovely this child is. We can't wait to get to know her more over the coming years. Rebekah really is an answer to many prayers, and we are so grateful to God for this little gift.
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