Sunday, November 09, 2008

We are over the moon to announce the birth of our third little baby girl - Rebekah Grace Parker.
She was born yesterday morning, 8/11/8, at the Mater hospital at 6:58am, after a mercifully short labour, 10-15 minutes after getting to the hospital. Rebekah and Ruth are both well, and came home mid-afternoon.
Elizabeth (4.5) and Charlotte (nearly two) are both delighted with their new sister, and will kiss her as often as they are allowed.
Rebekah is a fairly big baby: 9lb 11 oz/4.41kg, with a 36.5cm head and 54.5cm long.
We are all amazed at how lovely this child is. We can't wait to get to know her more over the coming years. Rebekah really is an answer to many prayers, and we are so grateful to God for this little gift.
# posted by Stephen : 6:14 pm
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This is our new family of five!
# posted by Stephen : 6:13 pm
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My four girls!!!!!!
I am staggered by how amazing it is that I get to have four lovely ladies as part of my family.
# posted by Stephen : 6:12 pm
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This girl has a thick head of hair!!!
# posted by Stephen : 6:10 pm
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My new beautiful baby, and the one who made it all possible. Ruth is the most wonderful wife and mother you could ever hope for.
# posted by Stephen : 6:07 pm
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My new little girl! I am so proud to have her in my arms
# posted by Stephen : 6:01 pm
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Rebekah with her Jacobsen Grandparents
# posted by Stephen : 5:58 pm
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Baby Rebekah with her Parker Grandparents
# posted by Stephen : 5:57 pm
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this is ruth at Caloundra, about a month before our beautiful Rebekah Grace was born. She looks great, doesn't she?
(Photography by 4yo Elizabeth)
# posted by Stephen : 5:27 pm
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It has been far too long since I put more photos of Charlotte up, so below is really a summary of the last year. Charlotte has grown up quite a lot in that time.
She is a very strong girl –in many ways. She learnt to walk while we were in New Zealand at 11 months, with her first steps actually on the snow at Mount Hutt. She has a great sense of balance, and loves climbing over couches, into her high chair by herself and into anything else that she can get to.
She particularly loves little babies, and will kiss them and cuddle them any chance she can get. She adores Elizabeth, and will do anything to play with her. One of their favourite games is to play jump jump sit on a bed, which they made up. She has been learning to talk a lot better over the last few months, and expresses herself quite well most of the time, even if we are a bit slow sometimes. She loves reading her books, drawing pictures, playing with dolls and helping Ruth with whatever she is doing. She is also remarkably handy with a spanner or screwdriver. She holds them properly and applies them at the right angles to nuts and screws – quite the little handy-man really.
I’m really pleased she loves hanging out with me, and if I say I’m going anywhere she just calls out good-bye to everyone else and starts coming downstairs. She loves making breakfast with me and helps me put the weet-bix in our bowls and the teabag in the teapot. What more could you want in a little daughter? I love her sooo much, and thank God for her every day.
# posted by Stephen : 5:11 pm
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Charlotte loves getting into everything and will go hard at it all day long if she can. Sometimes though, she reaches her limit.
# posted by Stephen : 5:06 pm
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When Grampa volunteered to show people around the Endeavour, the girls were keen to have their own private tour.
# posted by Stephen : 5:03 pm
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Aren't they cute?
# posted by Stephen : 5:00 pm
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Charlotte is quite an active young lady, and is always on the go doing something.
# posted by Stephen : 4:57 pm
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the girls love licking beaters - and smiling for photos
# posted by Stephen : 3:14 pm
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For a year we went to Seaworld as often as we could, and Charlotte and Elizabeth loved it. This is on our last day there.
# posted by Stephen : 3:12 pm
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In October we had a last family holiday before baby#3 came along at Calounra, just for three days. The girls had a wonderful time and loved playing in the sand and water.
# posted by Stephen : 3:08 pm
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I love this picture of my two lovely smiling girls! they look so incredibly sweet!!!
# posted by Stephen : 3:07 pm
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Oh, my beautiful angel!!!
# posted by Stephen : 3:07 pm
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We are so pleased that Charlotte also has developed a greata love for reading. She can even read upside down already!
# posted by Stephen : 3:05 pm
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Charlotte loved fer first birthday party, and her cake (made my Mummy) was awesome!
# posted by Stephen : 3:01 pm
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Charli hanging around at a playground in the christchurch botanical gardens.
# posted by Stephen : 3:00 pm
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This is us in our last morning in the motorhome that we travelled around the south Island in. We had great times in this.
# posted by Stephen : 2:59 pm
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Charlotte at the Chocolate Factory
# posted by Stephen : 2:57 pm
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At Mt Hutt we had a great tiem playing in the snow. The girls loveds it, and Charlotte took her first steps there. She had a toboggan ride and built her first snowman too.
# posted by Stephen : 2:55 pm
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In October 2007, we all went to New Zealand for the holiday of a lifetime. This is our second day there, at Hanmer Springs. It was freezing outside, and raining mostly, but the water was beautiful and warm - just like my girls.
Labels: New Zealand
# posted by Stephen : 2:52 pm
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